


Matt Gates

Software Engineer

I am a US based Software Engineer with a bachelors & masters in CS related fields.

This is what I am doing right now

I am always looking to learn new things. I am currently working on a few projects related to Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. At the same time I am actively on the lookout for good books to read.

I am a strong advocate for open source and I am always interested in working on new projects with new people. Feel free to reach out if you have anything to talk about, you can reach me through Mail or Telegram

Here you can see what I use on daily basis

About this site

Welcome to my home on the internet. This site functions as a blog/portfolio, a place to share code and thoughts. Opinions are my own.

I learned how to build this site from the most awesome people in the community:


Software Engineer  @  ABG
January 2022 - Present